#deliverance now
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taxus-fraud · 1 year ago
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My opponent just called upon the Oracles and scattered most of my pieces across space and time. Does anyone know the best counter in this situation?
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brujahinaskirt · 10 days ago
i have to hand it to warhorse. responding to the men screaming "IF YOU WERE JUST GOING TO TURN HENRY QUEER WHY WAS HE STRAIGHT IN KCD 1???" with
"budget constraints"
is the funniest fucking thing a dev has ever said
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isa-ah · 2 months ago
the exhausting slog of listening to anecdotal horror stories where rednecks are continually villified even if they dont do anything. "he was just so creepy... one of those fat mullet redneck types" ok and? ok and? and? ok? and the premise of the story is he smiled at you in passing? ok? and? there was one by someone who lived in the same kind of area i grew up but they were very proud to say they were middle class so you can imagine how many digs they took at the broke people around them that are systemically left to rot by the government. wow he only had two teeth? and theyre brown? are you going to step down out of your gold plated horse drawn carriage to pay for this man to go to a dentist? bc he sure as fuck couldnt afford to even if he wanted to. oh that guys fat? hes fat AND he has a mullet? doesnt he know only skinny middle class gen z kids are allowed to have those? what a disgusting perv. dont even get me started on old men who, oh god. wear flannel and have a truck. jesus fucking christ put them down already
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a-single-tulip · 26 days ago
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Guess who's been playing Kingdom Come: Deliverance
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itsafreetrialofdeath · 3 months ago
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a surprisingly trustworthy ally
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feelinungry · 8 months ago
i cannot stop thinking about the talmberg raid. the fucked up mission that ends either before the true shitstorm happens, or after hans gets shot, or henry nearly killed.
they both back out of the glorious quest on behalf of the other.
henry just freshly realized he has yet more people to lose in his life, but hans is one of them, and he won't lose both radzig and hans.
and hans, for the first time in many years, cares deeply for a friend, a real friend who stood by him all this time.
hans goes on the raid (and robard is asking him, are you SURE MY LORD because honestly, this may end up badly) and hans is all light hearted about it for henry's sake, because someone has to keep this hothead in line, right? and oh, the famous battle awaits! but it's really all for him.
henry is more reluctant to leave this quest without saving the hostages, because he still has someone inside. he understands how serious the trouble is only when hans gets injured, only then he kicks into action. he must choose.
hans immediately, without a question, nopes out the moment he might lose henry to the raid.
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mostlysignssomeportents · 1 year ago
Actually, the President of the United States is powerful
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US Presidents have lots of things they can do beyond signing or vetoing legislation. Their administrative agencies have broad powers that allow them to act without dragging Congress behind them.
For example, Jennifer Abruzzo, the ass-kicking superhero that Biden appointed as National Labor Relations Board General Counsel, has used her powers to establish a rule that companies that break labor law during union drives automatically lose, with the affected union gaining instant recognition.
For a followup, Abruzzo is using a case called Thrive Pet Care to impose a “duty to bargain” on companies. If a company won’t bargain in good faith for a union contract, Abruzzo’s NLRB will simply force them to adhere to the contractual terms established by rival companies that did bargain with their unions, until such time as a contract is signed.
But wait, what about the dastardly Supreme Court? What if those six dotards in robes use their stolen seats on the country’s highest court to block Biden’s administrators?
Well, Biden could do what his predecessors have done. Like Lincoln, Biden could simply ignore the court, embracing popular policies he was elected to enact, revealing the Supremes to be toothless, out-of-touch, undemocratic and illegitimate.
(Andrew Jackson was a monster, but when he ignored his own Supreme Court, he proved that the Supremes’ only leverage came from their legitimacy; recall the (likely apocryphal) quote, “[Chief Justice] John Marshall has made his decision; now let him enforce it!”)
Like FDR, Biden could threaten to pack the court, creating a national debate about the court’s illegitimacy, which would add fuel to the court’s plummeting reputation amidst a string of bribery scandals.
-Joe Biden is headed to a UAW picket-line in Detroit: “I want to do it, now make me do it.”
Image: Fabio Basagni https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/:Sahara_desert_sunrise.jpg
CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en
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shitpostingfromthebarricade · 2 months ago
Marius, receiving a shitty scam letter with a bunch of misspellings that obviously came from Thénardier:
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charlie-rulerofhell · 2 months ago
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The beauty of Kingdom Come Deliverance II. part 4/4
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reesekanyuh · 1 month ago
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Me @ Billy Bob’s in Texas, about to see the Toadies and the Vandoliers. Also the pick I caught from Vaden. Genuinely the best night of my life.
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brujahinaskirt · 1 day ago
alt right gamer nutjobs going bonkers in their fucking yonkers over the very real possibility that seeing romanceable hans dialogue options is going to awaken something in them
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blindrapture · 2 months ago
Opeth: The Last Will and Testament
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Opeth's new album came out! and I got it in the mail.
I've listened to it twice now and it's getting its hooks in me. it's a fascinating little thing. it's exactly 50 minutes long and is easily the densest piece of music Opeth have ever put out. it reminds me of Jethro Tull's Thick as a Brick in terms of sheer density, and also hey by complete coincidence this album guest stars Jethro Tull's Ian Anderson (on flute and spoken-word parts). it also stars the lead singer of fucking Europe for some backing vocals. "The Final Countdown," the guy who sings that, he's on this album.
this album sounds nothing like I expected. well, no, I'm pretty familiar with Opeth's work by now and this album is entirely in keeping with what they like to do. but there's still something surprising, paradoxically, about the fact this album sounds like what I expected the album to sound like if someone took the concept really seriously. because I didn't expect the concept to be taken that seriously! I don't really know Opeth for their concept work! they can tell a story, sure, and they can make comically cryptic lyrics that aren't supposed to be all that cryptic, but.
well, again, it's like Thick as a Brick! it's almost a dry joke, it's a clear concept and it takes it very seriously and just commits to it!
look at this. the lyric booklet folds out into this beautiful thing.
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look at that! that's a full-on last will and testament (of a fictional character), and that's the lyrics to this album.
this album tells a story, but it tells it entirely in epistolary form, through found objects. this will and testament is the majority of the album, and a private letter is the final song.
it's a cool idea. it removes a lot of the drama, since the actual narrative here is of a bunch of adults standing in a stuffy room hearing this will and testament being read aloud. but it still uses that to provide drama! this man's life was strained! and his three children are going to find out some things!
I'm.. I'm gonna talk about the plot. technically spoilers, but c'mon, come and listen to this.
this is cuck metal. this isn't a rock opera, this is a cuck opera. this is a fucking story about a great cuck of a man. the kids aren't really his kids. and he waits until he fucking dies to tell them that. he was a cuck!
that's a funny way of putting it, yes. but not inaccurate. this was a very rich english man, a very conservative man with strong beliefs in heritage and legacy, and he struggles with that as he agrees to raise these two sons that his wife had without him. and he instead latches onto his daughter, who he had with his handmaid-- he cheated on his wife for this, because he needed to have an heir. and this daughter comes into life "disfigured" but healthy. she has some sort of chronic illness or disorder, I don't think it's specified, but she will live a full life, and this father accepts that and loves her. and it is to her that he leaves his estate, his funds, everything. the sons get worthless but sentimental trinkets. the daughter gets everything.
so the actual last will and testament gradually reveals all that. in it, the father alludes to the love affairs, the secrets he and his wife kept, his feelings about bloodlines, his jealousies, his frustrations, and he leaves everything to his daughter.
but then the final song takes place later. the daughter is now living in the estate, her estate. and she receives a letter from that handmaid, her mother. and the letter tells her some things too. her "father" was infertile. he fucked the handmaid, but nothing came of it. she, instead, came from a poor father, the handmaid's actual lover. but the handmaid told the rich patriarch that this child was his, so that he would agree to care for her and keep her alive. so in the end, all that obsession with bloodlines was tragic. the patriarch was infertile!!!! he left everything to Just Some Fucking Kid! and never knew!
and that's!!! how the fucking story ends!
I love this so much. I love the way this plot is told. I think it's so fascinating a choice.
but then! what about the music? y'know, the proof of the music is in the listening, so what is it like to listen to?
it's.. fucking dense!!! it is so dense!!! a thick soundscape of emotion, kept under a stiff upper lip as we just have so much more to get to. it's appropriate to the concept.
there's flute on here, there's mellotron, there's a live string section, there's hand-claps and some of the sweetest basslines I've heard in a long time. there's wild drums that go nuts at the slightest provocation. there's frequent chugging guitars that keep the action moving forward. and there's vocals. there's fucking vocals. the vocals are a constant back-and-forth between folksy evil and soulful crooning, and beyond that they're a constant back-and-forth between clean and GROWLS Opeth has GROWLS again!!! Opeth hasn't had growls since fucking 2008!!!! and if you've never heard Opeth's growling vocals before, ohhh my goddd they're so good, they're so pronounced and controlled and fierce.
but the word of this album is "dense." you gotta keep that word in mind. it is proggy to a perfect pulp, it throws everything at you, your first listen won't even be a rollercoaster, it'll be an onslaught of ideas and sensations. this is an album that requires multiple listens. I need to give it plenty more. it comes and goes very fast, you have no idea where the music is going to go, and every moment is filled with details in a rich mix. it could be downright overwhelming. absolutely.
but for me??? for me???? for me this is christmas. this is exactly the kind of album I've been craving. this album is a challenge, something to sink my teeth into, something to track and interpret every way 'til sunday. and it's an immediately rewarding challenge, because it's not noise music or anything like that, it's prog rock!!! it's smooth classy rock music! all the elements are recognizable, everything is familiar! when I revisit a song and dig into a passage, I'm rewarded with "oh I just noticed the guitar does this really cool riff here!" the whole album is that!
it's fucking FUN!!!
this album is FUN!!!
this is music to HAVE FUN LISTENING TO!
I will leave you with the album's single. because I gotta demonstrate what I'm talking about. if you read all this, I want you to hear the music!
here is Paragraph 1, here is how the album begins.
so I've gotta listen to this album more.
thank you, Opeth!!!
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toyboy-molloy · 8 months ago
warhorse better make henry and hans gay in the second game but I won't hold my breath
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f-14 · 3 months ago
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tales-from-thornvale · 5 months ago
the premise of the Dear Red Audron segments is so funny to me because. who is delivering that mail. the only options I can see are either a) the boat is pre-packed with mail for all the people on board and they just... come across it (NOT good if the info is time-sensitive based) or b) there is a Designated Courier Courier who delivers mail to the people on the Audrons, and both of these ideas bring me so much joy
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mostlysignssomeportents · 1 year ago
UAW strikes created the middle class, this one can bring it back
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Big strikes like this one are about more than the striking workers. When the UAW struck GM in 1945/46, they transformed the American labor bargain. That strike gave birth to the defined-benefits pension, employer-provided healthcare, the cost-of-living allowance, and worker pay raises linked to employer profits. The UAW strike of ’45 created the American middle class.
Today, that middle class is an endangered species. American oligarchs have spent decades siphoning away the wealth of workers and gathering it into fewer and fewer hands. Today, “autocrats of trade” have replaced the aristocrats that American revolutionaries overthrew at the nation’s birth.
These new aristocrats are powerful and ruthless, but they’re also vulnerable. They lack the executive function and the solidarity to stop draining the American economy as it grows increasingly brittle. The plute’s “efficiency” comes from long, fragile supply chains, skeleton crews working punishing overtime, and regular federal bailouts for companies that are designed to be both too big to fail and too big to jail.
The UAW only has enough money in its strike fund to support all its workers for 90 days. Car bosses — like other C-suite sociopaths — are prepared to halt production for years in order to smash worker power.
But the UAW doesn’t need to send all of its workers to the picket line to shut down production. Their bosses have made themselves terribly vulnerable, by eliminating backup suppliers and by relying on workers accepting “voluntary” overtime to meet production quotas. Simply by shutting down just a few facilities and refusing overtime at a few more, UAW members can immobilize US car production while barely touching the strike fund.
-Joe Biden is headed to a UAW picket-line in Detroit: “I want to do it, now make me do it.”
Image: Fabio Basagni https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/:Sahara_desert_sunrise.jpg
CC BY-SA 4.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en
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